USPS household diary study FY2010 "Deliverables"

Mintels director of insurance consulting Gary Wooley

Deliver Magazine Vol 8, Issue 1 Feb 2012

Think Shapes Mail of Tampa Fl

The Internet; made for Direct Mail

Lester Wunderman-seen as "Father" of direct mail

David Ogilvy-developed new advertising discipline, direct marketing

Seth Godin-launched concept of Permission Marketing vs interruption marketing.

Don Peppers-introduced term one-to one marketing in 1993 and is recognized as the leading authority on customer based business strategy

Magazine-"Return on Investment" from Peppers & Rogers

1 to 1 case studies, business models, trends. Visit

USPS-designing letters in reply mail

Sappi-Designing for Digital-visit

Daniel DeJan-National print & creative specialist from Sappi Fine Papers

Sappi Fine Paper North America's "Life With Print" industry research

New Page-Response Project Case Study

Some info was also obtained from McKay Envelope Company-Envelope Matters.